What do a boss who’s always yelling at you, a cluttered office, an inconsiderate co-worker, tight shoulders and a ho-hum (or bad) work in environment all have in common?
Tolerations, those little or big things we put up with—often without realizing it—that zap our energy and drain our life force. Every time we tolerate something, we deplete the energy we could be using to make desired changes or to simply experience joy in our life. It’s like living with a low-grade fever or pain that somehow dulls our experience and zaps our full vitality.
Ughhh. He’s late again. Zap!
I hate it when she treats me like that. Zap!
Another missed deadline. Zap!
The boss is yelling again. Zap!
What does tolerance mean: it is has two meanings – acceptance – the willingness to accept behavior and beliefs that are different from our own, even if you disagree with or disapprove of…. 2) bear – the ability to bear something unpleasant or annoying, or to keep going despite difficulties.
At the root of our tolerations are a variety of limiting beliefs that immobilize us. For example: “That’s just the way it is.” “I’m not worth it.” “Don’t rock the boat—play it safe.” “Don’t complain or be too demanding.” “I don’t have enough time/money/support.”
In many work places we have clearly defined definitions of what will not be tolerated. Zero-tolerance for substance abuse. Zero-tolerance for …..you fill in the blank.
All other areas of tolerance that are not clearly defined are governed by our countless limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs that immobilize us. Each of these limiting beliefs all serve to dampen productivity and prevent personal and organizational growth. How exhausting!
If you are committed to improving employee engagement, increasing productivity, and restoring energy into for a greater peace of mind, take time to evaluate and eliminate the toleration’s standing in your way.
Here are some ideas on how to do that:
Appraise. Make an honest appraisal of what you are tolerating in each of the areas of your life: home environment, health, work, money, relationships and so on. Write down everything that annoys you or that you feel you are putting up with. You will likely come up with more than 100 of these tolerations!
Evaluate. Examine each underlying limited belief that has kept you putting up with these things. Again, get support to help you break through them. You may be so close to some of these beliefs that you can’t fully recognize them for what they are.
Appreciate. Take an honest look at what you are getting out of keeping things as they are. There is always some kind of payoff for whatever is going on in your life. Who in your life—or what part of you—does not want things to change? Appreciate that person or part, and look for ways for it to be win-win for all concerned.
Choose. Based on your values and goals, you get to choose. What will you say “no” to? “Yes?” Make sure the “yeses” really excite you and that the no’s are clear. Commit to making them real!
Plan. Develop a strategy for eliminating these tolerations. You don’t have to do it alone—in fact, it’s useful and helpful to partner up or create a support team. There are many techniques and team building programs that will help to move you and your organization forward to remove tolerances. Contact me – I welcome the opportunity to work with you.
As you eliminate tolerations, you will experience less frustrations , an increase in your vitality and a sense of empowerment. Then YOU will be more productive in all areas of your professional and personal life.
Author’s content used under license, © 2008 Claire Communications