As professional women who embody many different roles – as entrepreneurs, coaches, mothers, artists, lovers, wives, daughters, friends, and citizens – we must be true to ourselves while to some extent fulfilling the expectations of those around us. That takes a lot of energy and can absolutely drain us of our vitality unless we set aside the time to nurture ourselves, tap into sources of support and inspiration around us, and honor the core of who we truly are as unique individuals.
Our need for time out to reconnect with ourselves, reintegrate the personal with the professional, and enjoy the company of like-minded women is what inspired us to create the Authenticity Professional Women’s retreat.
We’ve found a home on Facebook where we can engage in a robust conversation on the topic of “Authenticity”, leading up to our retreat. We invite you to go there and post any wisdom or humor you find relevant, and start the kinds of personal and professional conversations that will help you thrive in the year ahead. We look forward to meeting you online and in person! We encourage you to join us on August 10th for a fun-filled, inspirational day focused on you the Professional Woman.
To follow the conversation, just click on the LIKE button – and feel free to forward this to your friends who would appreciate this opportunity to reconnect with their true selves. Registration is now at