The Productivity Powered by P.E.O.P.L.E. ® framework developed by DB Latimore Professional Services Group, LLC focuses on the alignment of the workforce with organizational protocols. These protocols vary within organizations and can be identified as but not limited to the hierarchical structure, mission and values, operational guiding principles, communication and leadership behaviors.
In the 2011 America’s Most Productive Companies report,, top performing companies share 10 attributes that lead to their success. Five of these attributes are categorized as “PEOPLE”.
As companies rebound from the recession, we are striving for an engaged workforce, with varying definitions of engagement. Although the definitions may vary by organization there is agreement that at the core of engagement is an employees’ decision to take ownership of the organizational goals and apply discretionary effort to achieving those goals. To achieve engagement in the new economy companies must ensure that all levels of the workforce understand the rationale behind the transformation of the past few years and have a clear vision of the new direction. Should the focus shift from an engaged workforce to a productive workforce? Does a productive workforce require frameworks focused on “managing performance to improve productivity” or “leading productivity and managing performance”?
DB Latimore Professional Services Group operates from the firm belief that when policies, procedures and programs (P) are aligned with the efficiencies (E) of tools and systems, we optimize (O) our resources through product (P) affinity and collaborative leadership (L) to enable an engaged (E) workforce. Understanding the relationship of the workforce with these organizational protocols will result in Productivity Powered by P.E.O.P.L.E. ®